Beijing 798 Art Zone Coffee Kiosk | Pink is the New Black 》Spurs Gallery Room 6 x 8 -- 北京 798 《 Coffee Kiosk | Pink is the New Black 》Spurs Gallery Room 6 x 8

《 Coffee Kiosk | Pink is the New Black 》
Location :Room 6 x 8 in Spurs Gallery  | Beijing 798 Art Zone  
《 Coffee Kiosk | Pink is the New Black 》
地點 : Spurs Gallery Room 6 x 8 |北京 798

Pink has a trend that caters to and is a color that soothes emotions. Black symbolizes classics, but also reminds people of the existence of reality. The nature of the color will not change, but the sparks New from the collision of the two differ depending on the audience's mood and viewing angle.



這個空間Room 6 x 8是由馬刺畫廊與 Gallery Sohe 共同設立,將當代藝術、現代主義家居以及當代藝術家居結合。透過當代視角,多元的跨界合作,模擬出各種場景。讓藝術品脫離傳統的白盒子美術館,真實融入生活之中。期待這樣新類型的審美空間,能為藝術家、觀眾與藏家提供一個交流的平台,感受藝術品的魅力。

此次咖啡亭快閃店以「Pink is The New Black」為號召,由創辦人召集11位合伙人共同設置。粉色帶有迎合意味的潮流,是舒緩情緒的顏色。黑色象徵著經典,也同時提醒人們現實的存在。顏色的本質並不會改變,但兩者碰撞出的火花New,隨觀眾的心境與觀看角度而不同。


Beijing 798 Art Zone

By Connie's visit experience.
