Sweat and Tears coffee shop Shanghai- 上海有練咖啡廳限定的公司咖啡Mayday Life



上海有許多高顏值的咖啡廳,卻常常過來有練。除了因為五月天充滿匠心的咖啡Stayreal,及李吉他Lee Guitars(李宗盛)專屬華人品牌的吉他。也因為二位主理人以匠人精神聯手打造的生活美學、創意及築夢的平台。


有練Sweat and Tears

除了有練有限定的公司飲品,在五月天的專屬咖啡廳Stayreal cafe 也有歐!
Come to drink company coffee, I am staying at the Sweat and Tears cafe in Xintiandi, Shanghai.
Strong heart is also needed to be motivated!
There are more tigers and lions chasing behind, and you have to run hard. This is life!
Need the company's caffeine to cheer for myself!
The movie of Mayday’s Life was staged at the cinema , and the coffee shop launched a limited amount of company coffee and company milk tea!
There are many high-value coffee shops in Shanghai, but I offen come to Sweat and Tears coffe shop again and again. In addition to the Mayday-inspired coffee brand Stayreal, and Lee Guitars (Lee Zongsheng) exclusive Chinese brand guitar. It is also because of the platform of life aesthetics, creativity and dream building that the two learders have combined to create a spirit of craftsmanship.

The two musicians accompanied us all the way, always immersed in their music to seek life inspiration. Seeing their persistence in faith, their attachment to their dreams, and their enthusiasm for life are all things that I have always wanted in my heart.

Walking on the road of dreams, occasionally panicked and weak, so when life is exhausted, I will come here to drink coffee and regain myself. Connect with them to get energy, and a cup of coffee here flows into my blood.
In the Japanese-style café, the guitars are displayed like a work of art. In addition to symbolizing the spirit of the craftsman, the musician can also perform a song that represents the soul of the musician through the guitars.
There are also many collections of two leaders in the space. The work table of the craftsmen looks like it is in the exhibition hall.
In addition to coffee drinks, there are also many delicious meals. Let you eat and recharge your batteries to meet the next challenge!

Sweat and Tears
The hard sweat will surely get the tears of joy and harvest.
In addition to the limited company drinks available at this Sweat and Tears, the Mayday's exclusive cafe, Stayreal cafe, is also available!

2018 Christmas  
Winter limited egg roll coffee

October 2017 Black Coffee

By Connie at Sweat and Tears coffee shop in Shanghai Xintiandi
