Coca cola Shanghai Xintiandi Vintage Theme Exhibition可口可樂上海新天地復古主題展
經過上海新天地太平湖的無限極薈infinite space,戶外有間可口可樂的小屋!好奇湊近一看,才知道可口可樂在這有一場Coca cola復古潮玩展。
據說展品中有一個絕版的可樂瓶,價值一輛PORSCHE 911。
Today, I walked through the infinite space of Taiping Lake in Shanghai Xintiandi, and found a Coca-Cola hut outside! Curious to take a closer look, Coca-Cola held a retro theme exhibition in the mall.
Entering the mall, on the first floor, there is a Coca-Cola dining car that attracts people’s eyes. A photo of the famous celebrity Luhan is placed next to the car, like taking everyone to take a dining car and reviewing the wonderful record of Coca-Cola.
On the ground floor, there is a squares of Coca-Cola History Museum, Coca-Cola joint-name derivatives products are displayed in glass cabinets, all witnessing the years of the 100-year-old beverage giant Coca-Cola from 1886 to 2019.
據說展品中有一個絕版的可樂瓶,價值一輛PORSCHE 911。
Today, I walked through the infinite space of Taiping Lake in Shanghai Xintiandi, and found a Coca-Cola hut outside! Curious to take a closer look, Coca-Cola held a retro theme exhibition in the mall.
Entering the mall, on the first floor, there is a Coca-Cola dining car that attracts people’s eyes. A photo of the famous celebrity Luhan is placed next to the car, like taking everyone to take a dining car and reviewing the wonderful record of Coca-Cola.
On the ground floor, there is a squares of Coca-Cola History Museum, Coca-Cola joint-name derivatives products are displayed in glass cabinets, all witnessing the years of the 100-year-old beverage giant Coca-Cola from 1886 to 2019.
Approaching a small space, like entering a space without limits. While enjoying these derivatives items, I also feel that Coca-Cola has an unrestricted brand appeal. The century-old brand is still full of vitality, loved by young friends.
Vintage American Coke Barbie, model airplane, old phone, CD cassette, polar bear, Coca cola joint with Shanghai Oriental Pearl, car with McDonald's, retro speakers, camera, and many different designs of Coke bottles...etc. Impressive!!
he exhibition also put a huge Coke bottle vending machine, waiting for everyone to take a photo!
Looking up, the mall's mid-air hangs some iconic American retro-patterned Coca cola brands. These photos slowly turn, sometimes the light and shadow overlap, sometimes prominent, quite interesting.
After a busy job, give myself have some time to recharge. Come to the infinite shopping mall to take a look the Coke theme exhibition. Visiting to the infinite space to receive cola supplies, so that I can fill my energy! This year .
Through these activities, brands let people know more about them and let people automatically explore the spiritual values behind the brand. Through participation, absorb new knowledge in the process.

By Connie in infinite space Xintiandi Shanghai
上海太平湖的無限極薈infinite space