我的羊毛氈作品,第一次試作的口金包大成功,以及帶給大家幸運的幸運餅乾、還有美味吐司、港式燒賣、雅緻復古蝴蝶結手提包行李箱、可愛的天外奇〝雞”、靈感來自於 Pixar movie "UP", 還有有感生活上主婦洗衣的繁忙,製作了洗衣小幫手洗衣機。
My felting creation again, the functional clasp purse, fortune cookies, breakfast toast, dim sum, bun, elegant old-fashion bow handbag and suitcase, little chicken (the idea was from Pixar movie "UP" ), laundry time series was designed to all busy homemaker. all items as above is included
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