Shanghai Wukang Road Drops coffee studio上海武康路有露台的咖啡廳

每隔一陣子就會特地來幽靜的法租界的武康路走走。想到了這裡隱藏了一家有露台的Drops cafe studio 咖啡工作室。之前經過一直對入口處的黑白花車印象深刻以及二樓露台自然垂落的綠色藤蔓。今日終於有點暖暖的陽光,就特地過來了。
 Drops cafe studio 是一棟帶院子的獨棟別墅。綠植牆、藤蔓、花車以及緊鄰的花店包圍而成的小庭院。讓原本灰色冰冷的老建築有了綠意也充滿活力。看似寧靜的庭院其實咖啡廳裡坐滿著喝咖啡的人們,很是熱鬧。

後來才發現Drop cafe studio 也獲得了WOW Shanghai Reader’s Pick 2018 最佳露台的咖啡廳!
Today, I walked to the quiet French Concession Wukang Road Shanghai. Suddenly I thought of this street with a Drops cafe studio coffee shop with a beautiful terrace.. I have been impressed by the black and white pickup truck with flower decoration at the entrance and the green vines that naturally fall on the terrace from the second floor. Today's weather finally has a warm sunshine, and I came here specially.
Drops cafe studio is a detached villa with a yard. A small courtyard surrounded by green walls, vines, flora pickup truck and an adjacent flower shop. Let the old gray and cold old building have green and vibrant. The seemingly tranquil courtyard is actually full of people who are drinking coffee inside the shop.
Ordering a cup of American coffee and sit on the terrace on the second floor. The reflection of the dry branches of the winter in the coffee is very interesting. Admiring the small beige walled bungalow with the Romeo balcony in front view side. 
The scenery plus aroma fresh coffee is not only satisfying the visual and taste buds. More important, these beautiful pictures are also left in my heart. 
Quietly staying here, no one bothered to feel these wonderful and simple time.  What a luxurious afternoon.
It was later discovered that Drop cafe studio also won the WOW Shanghai Reader’s Pick 2018 Best Terrace Cafe!
In the backyard of the first floor, there are also many open-air locations!

Connie in Wukang Road Shanghai
