天壇公園 Temple of Heaven

天壇公園 Temple of Heaven
Back to the Emperors of Ming and Qing dynasties to explore about annual ceremonies of prayer to Heaven for good harvest.
昨天跟老爺去逛了天壇公園 Temple of Heaven 探索明清皇帝時代祭天、祈穀及祈雨的奧祕🙏
-位於南邊的圜丘 Circular Mound Altar古代皇帝祭天大典的場所)、回音牆 Echo Wall及皇穹宇 Imperial Vault of Heaven 祭祀神牌位的場所🙏)。周圍設有神廚 Divine Kitchen 及 牲宰亭Animal sacrifice Pavilion
-位於北邊的是祈谷壇,包含祈年殿 Hall of Prayer for Good Harvests 內有28根大柱,意含春
-連結南圜丘 Circular Mound Altar北祈谷壇 Altar for prayer of Grains 通道是一條長達360米北高南低的丹陛橋 Danbi Bridge,中間舖有石板大路為「神路」天帝專用;東側磚砌道路為「御路」為皇上專用;配祀的大臣只能走在西側的「王路」,上下進退等級分明!
-在丹陛橋 Danbi Bridge中間設有具服台,供皇帝更衣的地方!
-內壇還觀賞了七星石 Seven 、長廊,另外也看了很多相關的古代靜物展(琴、瑟、龍椅、交椅、祭祀樂器、大灶...)、九龍柏。
The Hall of  Prayer for Good Harvests 祈年殿
The Hall of  Prayer for Good Harvests 祈年殿

Panorama The Hall of Prayer for Good Harvests 祈年殿
皇穹宇 Imperial Vault of Heaven
回音壁 Echo wall
皇穹宇 Panorama Imperial Vault of Heaven 
圓丘 Circular Mound Altar
圓丘 Circular Mound Altar

圓丘 Circular Mound Altar

 Heart of Heaven (天心石) or the Supreme Yang (太阳石)
丹陛橋 Danbi Bridge

九龍柏 Ancient tree

Label for Ancient tree

齋宮 Abstinence Palace for Emperors

齋宮 Panorama of Abstinence Palace for Emperors
齋宮 Abstinence Palace for Emperors
齋宮 Abstinence Palace for Emperors

齋宮 Abstinence Palace for Emperors
Double Loop Longevity Pavilion 雙環萬壽亭

Deco of Double Loop Longevity Pavilion 

七星石 Seven Meteorites
神廚 Divine Kitchen
牲宰亭 Animal sacrifice Pavilion
神廚 Divine Kitchen
牲宰亭 Animal sacrifice Pavilion
Ancient stuffs exhibition about musical instruments
Ancient stuffs exhibition about musical instruments
Ancient stuffs exhibition about musical instruments

Ancient stuffs exhibition about musical instruments

Ancient stuffs exhibition about musical instruments

神廚 Divine Kitchen
牲宰亭 Animal sacrifice Pavilion

By Connie Peking tour
